Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Is there any connection between numbers and esoteric symbolism associated with them in gematria?

The ancient practice of gematria has long been associated with assigning numerical values to words in order to produce layers of meaning. Gematria is an ancient practice that originated in the Hebrew alphabet, but is linked to other alphabets such as Greek and Sanskrit, as well as some languages like Aramaic and Arabic. This symbolic system not only assigns numerical value to words and phrases, but also ascribes an esoteric significance to numbers themselves and their proportions; this is commonly known as esoteric numerology.

Esoteric numerology considers numbers to not only have literal meaning (i.e. three indicating 3 apples), but allows for more philosophical associations between the number and its underlying symbolism (three could represent the triune god or the completion of a process). As such, it can be argued that there is a connection between numbers and esoteric symbolism associated with them through gematria. The fact that some number combinations carry significant meanings suggests that our ancestors were aware of these numerical patterns and felt there was an importance attached to them.

The most profound example of this pattern recognition in gematria comes from perhaps its most well-known type: Hebrew gematria which assigns numerical values to different letters in the Hebrew alphabet. In this system, each letter holds its own distinct value from 1-400, making up specific words explaining deeper concepts or truths when arranged properly. For example, one of the most famous Hebrew gematria sequences is: Chaim (Hebrew for "life") = 18 = ח‎ (Hebrew letter 'chet') + י‎= 10 + מ‎= 40). Here we can see how a single sequence constructs powerful ideas about life that can transcend language barriers when applied correctly.

In addition to Hebrew gematriac sequencing techniques, other forms have been developed to examine relationships between numbers such as Pythagorean numerology which examines primordial vibrations from single digits. Ancient Greeks used this form of numerology extensively with every number having a specific vibration associated with it; these vibrations helped one explore the secrets behind symbols on different levels through combinations of varying digits either adding up or multiplying together depending on situation or context decoding hidden messages in texts or inscriptions found in temples.

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